Naturopathy Causes and Treatment of Obesity and Weight Loss |
The true natural method of healing and living and the true salvation of the soul. -----Adolf Just

In communicating my ideas concerning health, the cure of disease, and human happiness I am merely obeying a serious, powerful, inner command. Man originally came from the hand of the Creator absolutely healthy and good, without any blemish in body and soul. The handiwork of the almighty, all-good, and all-wise Creator could not indeed have been from the start an imperfect and defective, a diseased and sinful, a miserable and unhappy being. In paradise man lived originally free from sin and disease, in perpetual joy and unclouded happiness. But man lost paradise—was driven from it. The ancient myths, especially the myths concerning paradise, which we find among all civilized peoples, embody the profoundest truths regarding the original state of man and the primitive history of mankind. True health is no longer met with among mankind. Everywhere on earth disease and decadence stare at us in infinite variety. From the cradle to the grave men are beset by pain and suffering in all their forms. Not nobility of soul and brotherly love, but hate, envy, jealousy, brutality, vice, and crime rule in the world. It may truly be said that we behold contemporary man only in care and sorrow, in misery and suffering, in unhappiness and despair. I, too, have had to drain the cup of suffering to the dregs. A serious nervous trouble, the disease of the century, and which was caused chiefly through inheritance, began early to undermine my health. During this period I passed through all the phases of misery and unhappiness, and, as already remarked, was obliged to drain the cup of suffering to the dregs. My ailment was a very serious one, all remedies, including those of the nature cure, proved unavailing, or at best gave only slight relief.
The greatest distress compelled me to pursue my studies farther and farther, in search of truth and help, and in this way I discovered the only sure path to health and happiness, and the only effective remedies. By passing through this severe school of suffering I am perhaps the better fitted to preach the truth to my fellowmen and to point out to them the true cure and help. Since I, too, have passed through all the mistaken paths along which mankind is journeying to-day, I am perhaps the better fitted to raise a cry of warning and lead my fellowmen away from them. I intend to show in the following pages in what way alone we may escape all illness and suffering, and thoroughly cure all pain and disease. But we shall then see that in this way we can also free ourselves of all sinful impulses, of vice and despair, find rest and peace of mind, and return to true religion and to God. I do not intend to write a book of precepts on health and happiness according to some artistically conceived plan, but I shall communicate my views simply and precisely in the same order in which, after much wandering, I came upon the path that led me to nature, and consequently to health.
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