Reiki Helps Stroke Victim
Reiki Helps Stroke Victim |
One morning, this past June, 1 received a telephone call from the manager of the Senior Apartment building where my daughter-in-law Betsy's grandmother resided.
The grandmother had collapsed in her apartment and was discovered when a friend stopped to check on her. Gram was taken to a local hospital ER, and it was confirmed that she had suffered a stroke. Gram was unresponsive, and the doctor said her chances of regaining consciousness were "very slight."
The doctor stated he had doubts that Gram would survive until Betsy, who was eight hours away, could get here.
The ER staff checked her records and verified she did have a Living Will and a DNR order on file from previous hospitalizations.
I did not want to leave Gram alone. I stayed with her throughout the day. After approximately six hours, 1 decided I would give her Reiki.
It was so amazing; within 45 minutes of completing the Reiki she began to move one hand, then her entire arm.
By the time the orderly arrived to transfer her to a room and admit her, she was making sounds and upon arrival in her room she was trying to get up from the gumey. The nurses had to restrain her to prevent her injuring herself. The next morning the medical staff was amazed that she recognized Betsy and by evening was communicating verbally.
Within the next few days she regained her speech, vision, and mobility, and was sent to a rehab center for therapy. A second stroke occurred within two weeks time. This put Gram into a deep coma from which she did not recover.
She died peacefully. I continued sending distant Reiki throughout her illness. I feel strongly the Reiki provided time for her three grandchildren (her only living relatives) to travel here and spend time with her before she passed away.
Last August I received my Reiki Master attunement. Unfortunately I live in an area that is not yet receptive to "new" alternative methods of treatment. But, I am jumping on every opportunity to spread my knowledge and abilities to make others aware of the wonderful world of Reiki.
—Ann McCray
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