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Thyroid Cancer

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Thyroid Cancer 
Reiki Story

1 was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 1998, just after graduating from massage therapy school.

After considering many options, I decided to have the right portion of my thyroid removed, because the only way to confirm a pathology report was to remove the gland. 

All was successful; however, during an annual routine sonogram of my left thyroid, another "nodule" was found in September 2003. 

Several doctors recommended that I have surgery as soon as possible, due to the previous finding of thyroid cancer. 

I requested to delay the surgery for three months and then repeat the sonogram. My endocrino logist agreed.

I performed Reiki on myself every night before bed, from September 2003 to December 2003. When I went for my follow-up sonogram of the left thyroid portion, the nodules "were gone." 

1 truly have no doubt that my Reiki sessions made this possible for me. Not only was I able to avoid another surgery, no additional costs were necessary for any additional treatments.

—Lisa Ross

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