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Beat diabetes with Naturopathy

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Beat diabetes with Naturopathy
Diabetes is a lifestyle disease caused when either levels of insulin drop in body or body cells resist insulin. Insulin is a hormone which lets blood sugar/glucose go inside body cells. Therefore its deficiency leads to increased blood sugar level in blood stream and keeps body cells deprived of energy. Diabetes may also damage heart, eyes, kidney and nerves. Symptoms of Diabetes include frequent urination, fatigue and excessive thirst. 

Naturally controlling Diabetes
There are several natural treatments available for controlling Diabetes. These treatments must be taken under supervision of a qualified practitioner. He/she must also be informed of any medications/natural treatments that a patient is taking. Also, Diabetics must follow a regular exercise regime. Physical activity helps in improving insulin sensitivity and contributes to effective utilization of blood sugar and glucose. Diabetics may also explore following food items that could help in condition of Diabetes.

Almonds could help Diabetics: One natural way to keep diabetes at bay is to include almonds in diet. Almond is rich source of calories and protien. It helps in suppressing hunger pangs and keeps a control on excessive eating. Almond also helps in strengthening bones of growing children. According to studies published in Journal of American College of Nutrition, regular consumption of almond can keep diabetes in control. The study conducted over 16-weeks showed that sensitivity of insulin improved upon regularly consuming a diet in which 20 percent calories came from almonds. Also, such a diet improved LDL Cholesterol levels substantially in pre-diabetes adults. 

North American Ginseng for Diabetes: Studies have found that North American Ginseng could help in controlling blood sugar and Glycosylated haemoglobin levels. Ginseng has been found effective in Type 2 Diabetes.

Chromium for Diabetes: Studies have found that diabetics have lower levels of chromium in their bodies. Chromium is a mineral which facilitates metabolism and improves response of body cells towards insulin. According to a study published in Diabetes Care, diabetics medication Sulfonylurea when taken with Chromium(1000 mcg) for six months, improved insulin sensitivity compared to when the medication was taken with placebo. It was also found that people who did not take chromium put on weight. In another study, no significant difference was found. Many studies are being conducted to understand relationship between blood sugar levels and presence of Chromium in body. However, results so far remain inconclusive. 

Magnesium for Diabetes: Magnesium is a mineral found in green leafy vegetables, seeds, nuts, whole grains etc. It is essential for more than 300 biochemical reactions in body. The mineral also helps in regulating blood sugar levels and facilitating normal functioning of muscles, nerves, heart etc. Few studies suggest that Magnesium may help in condition of insulin resistance and that low levels of magnesium may deteriorate control of blood sugar level in condition of type 2 diabetes. However, magnesium must be taken in appropriate quantity as high levels of magnesium could cause, diarrhea, nausea, weakness of muscle, irregular heart rate.

Cinnamon for Diabetes: Studies have found that Cinnamon could be effective in lowering blood sugar levels in people suffering from type 2 diabetes. In a study on 60 participants, six groups of type 2 diabetes patients were given either 1,3 or 6 g of cinnamon or 1,3 or 6 g of placebo for 40 days. It was found that three groups of patients who consumed Cinnamon reported significant reduction in fasting blood glucose, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

Zinc for Diabetes: Zinc is a mineral which helps in production and storage of hormone insulin. Some researches found that people suffering from type 2 diabetes had low levels of zinc in their bodies. Zinc is found in egg yolk, oysters, ginger root, liver of beef, almonds, chicken, walnut etc. 

Gymnema herb for Diabetes: Studies have found that herm Gymnema could help in lowering blood sugar levels in diabetes type 2 patients. However, this must be consumed under supervision of a healthcare professional.

Vanadium for Diabetes: Vanadium is a mineral which could be found in traces in soil and is produced from burning of petroleum. It is known to improve sensitivity of insulin and lower blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes patients. 

A number of treatments can be administered to completely cure a person of diabetes. A few methods are:

Diet therapy: This therapy is not only given to regulate blood sugar levels but a patient is also prescribed certain juices are to help improve the disorder.
Hydrotherapy: In this form of therapy a combination of baths, packs and warm water enema are given as a remedy. Hydrotherapy helps improve a person’s metabolism and controls blood sugar levels, enhances the body’s capability to use glucose and the enema helps cleanse toxins from the colon, detoxify the system. 
Mud therapy: Helps eliminate toxins and corrects imbalances in the digestive and endocrinal systems (which are normally under-active in diabetics).
Yoga: Yoga asanas improve functions of the liver, pancreas and digestive system that are beneficial in treating diabetes. some asanas that are prescribed are - Merudantasna (utthitapadasana), Vipareeta karani Mudra, Pavanamuktasana, Dhanurasana,Vajrasana, Kati Chakrasana, Udhva Hstottansana, Pada hastasana,Trikonasana, Matsyasana, Shavasana, Bhujangasana, Ardha Matsyndrasana, Ushtrasana, Paschimottanasana, Vakrasana,Surya Namaskar, Mandukasna and sukhshma Vyayamas.

The other methods given are chromo therapy, heliotherapy, pranayam and kriyas.

The recommended Naturopathy diet is as follows:

Early morning: 1 glass of water followed by lime and honey mixture

Breakfast: 1 glass of fruit juice and fruits

Lunch: 2 small chapattis made from aata that combines 1 kg jowar, 1 kg barley, 1 kg bajra, 1 kg corn, 1 kg black channa, 1 kg soya bean and 250 gm methi, 1 cup of cooked vegetable, 1 cup dal, salad of raw vegetables.

Afternoon: One glass of vegetable juice or coconut water.

Dinner (at around 7.30 pm): 2 small chapattis made with mixed flour as above, 1 cup of cooked vegetable, salad of raw vegetables.

The other points to be kept in mind always are that the ratio of vegetables should be more than cereals, sprouts are to be consumed in large quantities, and rice, if consumed, should be unpolished. A weekly non-cereal day is highly recommended, and so is a daily walk, yoga and pranayama.

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