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Natural Treatment for Tuberculosis

Stress is defined as the emotional & physical strain caused by a persons response to pressure from the out side world. It occurs when there is a mismatch between what the people aspire to do what they are capable of doing.

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 Natural Treatment for Tuberculosis
Stress defined:
S = P > R
[S=Stress, P=Pressure, R=Resources]

Physiology of Stress:

There are two types of stress:

Positive stress, called EUSTRESS-This type of stress challenges us to adapt and grow.
Negative stress, called DISTRESS.-This type of stress can deplete or destroy our energy for life.

How Do We  Respond to Stress?
Are your responses positive or negative?

“It ‘s not Stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.”
-Hans Selye


1) Physiological

Muscle Tension
Pounding Heart
Raising Voice
Lack Of Concentration
Inability To Sleep
Excessive Tiredness
Dry Mouth
Breathing Difficulty
Excessive Sweating
Stomach Upset
2) Behavioural:
Change In Productivity
Change In Turnover
Change In Eating Habit
Increased Smoking
Increased Consumption of Alcohol
Sleep Disorder
Cause Of Stress:

Over Ambitious
Work Pressure
 Poor Inter-Personal Relationship

Change In Environment

 Environment Pollution
 Noise Pollution
 Disturb Marital Life
 High Cost Of Living
 Poor Employment Opportunities
 Job Stress

Effects of Stress:


 Short Term Effects of Stress
Diversion of The Blood From Less Vital to More Vital Organs.
Increase in Heart Rate to Supply More Blood Quickly. 
Increasing Respiratory Rate to get more oxygen from atmosphere.
Headache , Backache and Neck Pain
Dry Mouth with Difficulty in Speaking and Swallowing.

Long Term Effects of Stress
Chronic Headache
Anxiety Disorders
Memory Disturbance
Heart Attack Due to Increase Blood Pressure, Sugar, Cholesterol
Weight Loss
Exacerbation of Allergies Including Asthma

Physical Exercise
Proper Sleep
Positive Attitude
Practising Yoga



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Naturally curing Tuberculosis

History of Yoga
The oldest known yoga teachings are found in the Vedas, the sacred scripture of Brahmanism that is the basis of modern-day Hinduism. The Vedas are said to be the oldest sacred texts still used today. Most anthropologists agree that an oral tradition existed long before a literary tradition which gradually set in from about the 2nd century BC. Yoga was used as a tool to live in harmony, mind, body and spirit.

The earliest archaeological evidence of Yoga’s existence is found in stone engravings that date back to around 3000 B.C. Both yoga and Shamanism have similar characteristics in their attempts to improve health and promote healing through spiritual mediation.

Yoga shares some characteristics with Hinduism and Buddhism. During the sixth century B.C.,Buddha started teaching the importance ofmeditation and the practice of physical postures. 

At the age of 35, Siddharta Gautama, the first Buddhist to study yoga, achieved enlightenment, described as an intellectual understanding, an intuitive knowing and a total transformation of the heart and mind.

Pantanjali Wrote The Yoga Sutra around the second century in an attempt to define and standardize classical Yoga.
It comprises 195 sutras or “threads” as well as an “Eightfold-Path.”


Yoga can be divided into six categories :

Bhakti yoga
Karma yoga
Jnana yoga
Mantra yoga
Raja yoga
Hatha yoga 

Self-restraint (yama)
Spiritual discipline (niyma)
Posture (asanas)
Breath control (pranayama)
Sense withdrawal (pratayahara)
Concentration (dharana)
Meditation (dhayana)
Spiritual consciousness (samadhi)
Benefits of Yoga

Stable autonomic nervous system equilibrium
Respiratory rate control
Blood pressure control
Posture improves
Strength increase
Endurance increases
Energy levels increase
Weight normalizes
Sleep improves
Pain decreases Yoga is an antidote for stress and a potentially powerful complement to living a healthy, balanced life.

How Yoga Helps Reduce Anxiety and Manage Stress:

Everyone suffers from mild anxiety from time to time, but chronic anxiety takes a tremendous toll on the body, draining energy resources and keeping the body in a constant state of stress. The effects of anxiety are magnified when the body is not exercised: tension in the muscles builds, breathing remains constricted most of the time, and the mind has no rest from the whirling thoughts and feelings that feed the anxiety.

Yoga helps you to access an inner strength that allows you to face the sometimes-overwhelming fears, frustrations, and challenges of everyday life. The American Yoga Association program to reduce stress in the body, breath, and mind does so by building coping skills with a small daily routine of exercise, breathing, and meditation. A few Yoga exercises practiced daily (especially if they are done just prior to meditation) help to regulate the breath and relax the body by gently releasing tension from the large muscle groups, flushing all parts of the body and brain with fresh blood, oxygen, and other nutrients, and increasing feelings of well-being. "Whole body" exercises such as the Sun Poses are particularly helpful because they encourage you to breathe deeply and rhythmically. Many exercises can be adapted so you can do them even in an office chair. Our Basic Yoga video provides a complete introduction to these exercises and contains a 30-minute exercise routine with breathing, relaxation and meditation.

The Complete Breath technique is a must for anyone who often feels "stressed out." Once learned, the Complete Breath can be used anywhere, anytime, to reduce the severity of a panic attack, to calm the mind, or to cope with a difficult situation. Learning to concentrate simply on the sound of the breath as you inhale and exhale evenly and smoothly will help you gently but effectively switch your attention from feelings of anxiety to feelings of relaxation. The Complete Breath is featured in our Basic Yoga video and all instructional books from the American Yoga Association.

Daily practice of complete relaxation and meditation is also essential - even a few minutes of meditation during your work day can make a difference. This daily training in focusing the mind on stillness will teach you how to consciously quiet your mind whenever you feel overwhelmed. Meditation puts you in touch with your inner resources; this means less dependence on medications, greater self-awareness, and a fuller, happier life.
- See more at: http://www.healingnaturallyinfo.com/2015/03/stress-management-through-yoga.html#sthash.4vW8fRbu.dpuf

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