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Swine Flu (H1N1) - Foods to eat and avoid

What is Swine Flu?

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Swine Flu (H1N1) - Foods to eat and avoid

Swine flu is a respiratory disease caused by influenza A virus H1N1 virus. Maximum people lack immunity against swine influenza A (H1N1) virus, so it transfer easily from person to person and has created global anarchy. The strain H1N1 may have originated in pigs, but now it is common with Human beings.

Here are the common signs and symptoms that start to develop after you are infected with the virus.

Fever: As in case of normal flu, infection with H1N1 influenza virus also causes an increase in the body temperature (100 degree Fahrenheit or more). Known as the first-line of attack by the immune system, the body produces immune cells to kill the foreign bodies. This in turn causes the release of cytokines and histamines that increase the body temperature. 

Headache: The second most common symptom after fever is headache. At this stage, you may get confused with common cold and flu. However, it is important to check other common signs to rule out seasonal flu. Read about 5 natural remedies for headaches that actually work!

Chills: Another common symptom that most people experience is chills accompanied by high fever. Although chills along with fever present a typical case of common cold and flu, it might signify infection with H1N1 influenza virus.

Diarrhoea: You may also experience diarrhoea or loose motions, which is quite common once the disease progresses. Also, it is quite common in children and adults usually don’t vomit (although in rare cases, they may suffer from diarrhoea or vomiting).

Sore throat: Some people infected with the virus might develop sore throat. It may take some time after infected with the virus to develop sore throat. This usually initiates with a scratchy or dry itching in the throat and can also lead to lesions in the throat. Here are 6 ways to prevent a sore throat from worsening.
Cough: A common symptom the most people experience due to change in the temperature or drop in the temperature, swine flu can lead to coughing. It can be caused due to progression of a sore throat.Prevent swine flu with these 10 do’s and dont’s. 

Sneezing: As the infection progresses, you may also suffer from sneezing. This is the time when the chance of spreading the infection is more and the virus is more active. Hence, you should cover your mouth with handkerchief while sneezing to prevent the spread of the infection.

Blocked nasal passage: Nasal congestion or the feeling of a blocked nose can be a real problem affecting your ability to breathe. A viral infection is the most common cause of swelling of the nasal linings (a thin mucous membrane surrounding the nose) which in turn blocks the nose leading to breathing difficulty. Here are some common causes and remedies for blocked nose.

Fatigue: You may start to experience fatigue as the disease progresses due to inability of the immune system to fight with the virus. This is generally experienced after two – three days of getting infected with the virus. This is the reason, why you should take sufficient rest (probably stay inside) and eat healthy to boost your immune action. You may also like to know if a person lead a normal life after being affected by swine flu? 

However, if any of these symptoms do not subside within three days or you have high fever or sudden breathlessness, consult your doctor immediately. You may be recommended a blood test to detect the virus and your doctor will decide the course of action thereafter.

Foods to eat

Foods rich in vitamin D: According to a study conducted by Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences in association with the National Institute of Virology, the risk of swine flu can be reduced by adding adequate amounts of vitamin D-rich foods in your diet. A good dose of sunlight can cut down the risk of swine flu to a significant extent. Vitamin D helps in suppressing the inflammatory response to the H1N1 virus. Doctors also recommend that those who do not have access to the vaccines of the flu can take vitamin D tablets. Vitamin D reduces the risk of respiratory infections and can be an effective shield against influenza. Mushrooms are one of the richest vegetarian sources of vitamin D whereas salmon, sardines and egg yolk is some of the non-vegetarian sources. Doctors are also recommending a 20-minute exposure to the sun for three days a week along with diet supplements to prevent swine flu.

Immunity boosting foods: A strong immunity can also go a long way in preventing the virus from damaging your health. Consuming foods rich in vitamins A, B and C are vital for boosting your immunity. Your diet should also comprise foods rich in zinc and selenium. Consuming brown rice, sunflower seeds, meat and crustaceans can also help you build a strong immune system. Foods like garlic and ginger are rich in antioxidants and help to flush out toxins from the body. Here are ways you can improve your immunity to prevent swine flu.

Probiotics: Including probiotics in your diet like milk and yogurt is also necessary. Probiotics help build good bacteria in the gut which aid digestion. They are also known to improve your immunity by creating an acidic environment, which prevents the growth of other harmful bacteria in the stomach.

Foods to avoid
Swine flu is transmitted by airborne droplets from an infected person’s sneeze or cough, or from germs from hand and germ-laden surfaces. It is not a food-borne illness and cannot be transmitted by food. However, care should be taken that you eat healthy and thoroughly cooked food so that the foods you eat do not affect your immunity in any way.

What to eat if you have swine flu?
Make sure you sip enough water and juices to combat the flu. Proper hydration is an important part of swine flu treatment particularly because the flu causes dehydration leading to symptoms like nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea in some people.
If you are down with the flu, eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains as these foods are packed with phytochemicals that can boost your health. These foods can also provide you with antibodies and minerals like zinc and potassium that can help you fight the viral infection. Dr Vineet Aurora, Sr Consultant- Internal Medicine, Max Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi says, ‘If you are suffering from the flu, it is crucial that you eat fruits, vegetables and protein-rich foods to build your immunity to fight the disease.’ He also advises eating home cooked flu when you have caught the flu.

Foods to avoid

 Avoiding foods from outside or street foods while you are down with the flu.
 Avoid sugary foods and drinks as too much sugar can cause diarrhoea and make you sick.
Make do not consume canned foods or processed foods in any form while you are suffering from the flu.

Yoga for swine flu treatment
The following Yoga poses and exercises are helpful in curing of swine flu and reducing the symptoms of this dreadful disease.
Jalneti (nasal cleansing with water)
Sutraneti (nasal cleansing with thread)
Vastradhauti (cleansing with cloth)
Bhastrika Pranayama

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