Naturopathic Medicine
The primary goal of Naturopathic medicine is to enhance health and prevent disease.
1) Naturopathy as an area of treatment doesn’t make use of medicines. In fact, naturopathy treatment propounds the idea that any kind of disease can be uprooted from a person by techniques such as exercises (read: Yoga), control of diet and proper massage.
3) As the name suggests, Naturopathy treatment makes use of natural materials—like therapeutic oils, proper incenses, mud, etc. So, no chemical goes into your treatment thereby upgrading the quality of your life.
4) According to the best nature cure center , human body is composed of five elements—air, water, heat, soil and space. And, the imbalance among the proportions of these creates upheaval in mind and body of a person. Hence, rather than “killing the germ”, the naturopaths aim at balancing these elements in one’s body through proper yogic treatments, food and nutrition, herbal medicines, uplifting one’s basic lifestyle among others.
5) Naturopathy is much pocket-friendly than other methods of treatment. And, it aims at not only relieving the patient from discomfort but also uprooting the disease from its base. Besides, after the whole naturopathic procedure, the patient, in most cases, becomes aware of his own well-being and starts leading a high quality life.
6) The main weapons of Naturopathy include yoga, juice diet, fasting, mud therapy, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, acupressure, color therapy, magneto therapy, exercise and proper diet.
After a 30 min session with acupuncture Mississauga I woke up the following morning with almost no pain in my neck and can feel the tightness in my shoulder subsiding. Will definitely be going back for more.