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What is homeopathy?

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The main idea behind homeopathy is the Law of Similars, which is sometimes explained as “like cures like.” In the late 18th century, a German physician named Samuel Hahnemann read that quinine containing Peruvian bark (chinchona) cured malaria. Hahnemann swallowed a dose of Peruvian bark and began to feel feverish, drowsy, extremely thirsty, and agitated -- all symptoms of malaria. Hahnemann started to experiment more and formed his theory that like cures like, or the Law of Similars: that when a substance in large doses causes certain symptoms, in small doses it can cure these same symptoms.

Herbs and other plants, minerals, venom from snakes, and other substances can be used to make homeopathic remedies. They are diluted again and again and “succussed” or shaken vigorously between each dilution. The process of sequential dilution and succussion is called potentization.

How does homeopathy work?

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Homeopathic Medicine
Homeopathic remedies start with substances such as herbs, minerals, or animal products. These substances are first crushed and dissolved in a liquid -- usually grain alcohol or lactose -- mechanically shaken, then stored. This is the "mother tincture." Homeopaths then dilute tinctures more with alcohol or lactose, either 1 part to 10 (written as "x") or 1 part to 100 (written as "c"). These tinctures are shaken, yielding a 1x or 1c dilution. Homeopaths can further dilute these tinctures 2 times (2x or 2c), 3 times (3x or 3c), and so forth. Many times professional homeopaths will use much higher dilutions, because the more diluted the substance, the more potent its healing powers are thought to be.

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How to Find a Homeopath that is 
Knowlegeable in Autism 
(and other areas as well)
Homeopathic remedies aim to stimulate the body's own healing mechanisms. Homeopaths believe that any physical disease has a mental and emotional component. So a homeopathic diagnosis includes physical symptoms (such as feverishness), current emotional and psychological state (such as anxiety and restlessness), and the person’s constitution. A person’s constitution includes qualities related to creativity, initiative, persistence, concentration, physical sensitivities, and stamina. The right remedy for a condition will take all of these aspects into account, so each diagnosis and remedy is individualized. That means 3 people with hay fever could need 3 very different prescriptions.

Health food stores and some pharmacies sell homeopathic remedies for a variety of problems. Remedies are usually taken for no more than 2 - 3 days, although some people may need only 1 - 2 doses before they start feeling better. In some cases daily dosing may be prescribed.

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