Cabbage Soup Diet – Benefits in Weight Loss Plan
Cabbage Soup Diet has low caloric density, leaves you feeling full, and goes great with a delicious piece of whole grain bread, dipped at leisure. The cabbage soup diet does not create lasting lifestyle changes that support permanent weight loss. This is just a way to try to lose as much water weight as possible in a week which will inevitably return with the first, much anticipated normal meal.
The Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe
1 head cabbage, shredded or chopped
2 large onions, chopped
16-28 ounces canned tomatoes, chopped
2 green peppers
4 stalks celery
1-2 packages Lipton onion soup mix
black pepper
fresh herbs, chopped
6 carrots, sliced
1/2 pound green beans, sliced diagonally
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar (optional)
Put all vegetables in a big pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil stirring in the soup mix, and boil gently for 10 minutes. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer until all the vegetables are soft. Stir in the black pepper and chopped herbs of your choice to flavour.
Along With Cabbage Soup Diet
On this diet, you can lose up to fifteen pounds. This does not necessarily mean you will. Different people take differently to the diet. A few people may find they only lose one or two pounds, but most will find they lose about ten.
You must also do exercise whilst on this diet!
Do not eat bread with your soup, or at all.
If drinks are not mentioned on a certain day, this means that you may only drink water.
Only drink what is meant for each day, and definitely stay away from all alcohol and carbonated beverages, even the diet ones.
Remember to keep a positive body image.
Keep snacks you’re likely to binge on out of your house.
If you have a sweet-tooth, day four will probably help you get rid of some cravings.
Benefits of The Cabbage Soup Diet
As a matter of fact, Vegetables from the Brassica family mainly the cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower have been found to help in preventing cancer.
Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin K and vitamin C, the former which is responsible for enabling your blood to clot and strengthening your bones. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant known to protect your cells and ward off the common cold.
The Cabbage Soup Diet is a low-fat, high-fibre diet that will help you get into shape fast before you embark on a more moderate long-term eating plan, and if you can stomach eating little other than cabbage soup for a week, the results can be pretty dramatic.
A person on cabbage soup diet can eat as much cabbage soup as he or she wants, and there are certain foods that can be added, depending on the day. The first day it is allowed to eat as much fruit as desired, but not bananas. On the second day vegetables, including one jacket potato with some butter, are allowed, and on the third day it is allowed to eat fruit and vegetables, except for bananas and potatoes.
On the fourth day the dieter can eat bananas and some skimmed milk, on the fifth 20 ounces of beef and up to six tomatoes, on the sixth day he or she can have as much beef and vegetables as desired and on the seventh it is allowed to have brown rice, fruit juice and vegetables except for potatoes
Source: Allegiance
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